Moving abroad can be an incredibly stressful thing.
With this in mind, you should really make yourself an all encompassing moving house to do list.
It's well worth spending a decent amount of time on this, as one single moving house to do list with all the important information you'll need will be a godsend in the coming weeks and months.
So what needs to go into this document? First off on your moving house to do list will be to sort out the finances involved in the move.
This will include things like taxation.
If you're moving to the EU, there are many ways to offset your tax burden, so schedule time with the tax office and get some solid advice.
This will include pension forecasts and social security.
Similarly, health issues should be looked into.
Finding out what your rights are as regards healthcare is important for your family, and should be one of the first things on your moving house to do list.
What about if you have a home in the UK that you are keeping to rent out or sell.
You will have to let your mortgage lender, insurance provider and council know.
You will also have to think about your children if they are still of schooling age.
Have you found an expat school for them? Putting this on your moving house to do list and getting the children involved will help ease what will almost inevitably be a stressful experience for all concerned.
Then, of course, you need to think about the actual nuts and bolts of moving.
Are you going to use a delivery auction website, or are you going to find the cheapest quote yourself? It might be prohibitive to move all your belongings, depending on where you're moving, but are you likely to sell it all off, or perhaps put it into storage? All of these considerations should easily make it onto your moving house to do list, but none are as important as ensuring that you and your family go through the move as relaxed as possible.
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