Once you have decided to buy a property on loan, you must need to check what all the documents would be required for applying the home loan. It is one of the crucial parts when you are going to apply for a loan. Without all the documents required for processing the loan, you would not be eligible for loan. It is time to realize what are the compulsory documents required, if you dont have that get it ready before applying for a home loans. This article will make you clear in detail about the numerous documents required by the banks. It depends on the group which you belong to. Usually banks require the documents for Salaried and Self Employed. Salaried people who are working for another company and have the regular income. They will need to submit the fixed set of documents. In another group, who are doing business and professionals responsible for their earnings have to show the strong proof documents for their income? Through this article we have tried to make it clear with you that following documents would be required while taking bank loan.
1.Salary slip/Form 16 A.
2.A photocopy of the first and last pages of Ration card or copy of PAN/Telephone/Electricity bills.
3.A photocopy of Investments (FD Certificates, Shares, any fixed asset etc. or any other documents supporting the financial background of the borrower.
4.A photocopy of LIC policies with the latest premium payment receipts (if any).
5.Photographs (as applicable).
6.A photocopy of bank statement for the last six months.
Self-Employed / Entrepreneurs
1.A brief introduction of Business/Profession.
2.Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss account and statement of income with Income Tax returns for the last 3 years certified by a CA.
3.A photocopy of Advance Tax payments (if applicable).
4.A photocopy of Registration Certificate of establishment under shops and Establishments Act/Factories Act.
5.A photocopy of Registration Certificate for deduction of Profession Tax (if applicable).
6.Bank statements of current and saving accounts for the last 6 months.
7.A photocopy of Certificate of Practice (if applicable).
8.A photocopy of any bank loan (if applicable).
9.A photocopy of the first and last pages of the Ration card or a copy of PAN/Telephone/Electricity Bills.
10.A photocopy of LIC policy (if applicable).
11.A photocopy of investments (FD Certificates, Shares, any other fixed asset).
After having the complete knowledge of the detailed documents you can arrange these documents on time or before time with you or get verified by the required authorities so that there would not be any hassle while applying for home loan.
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