Health & Medical Men's Health

How to Get a Bigger Penis Safely - Which is the Best Method?

Having a bigger penis can mean different things for different men.
For example, for one man, it means being able to be a better lover.
For another man, it simply makes him feel more confident and manly.
Whatever the case may be, each man has his reasons, and those reasons are important to him.
The great news is that penis enlargement is possible.
However, it is important that you distinguish between methods that work, and methods that don't work at all; Some of the most popular penis enlargement methods on the market are penis pumps, penis pills, and penis extenders.
By taking a closer look at penis pumps, it is crucial to understand that they were never originally used for penis enlargement.
They were specifically designed to help men that had problems in achieving and maintaining an erection.
The pump would work by drawing the blood into the penis, and then allowing it to stay there for a limited amount of time so that the men would be able to enjoy a fulfilling sexual session with his partner.
Because the penis pump is known to offer a slight increase in penis size as a secondary benefit, many men have purchased this device for the sole means of penis enlargement.
What they don't realize is that the pump is only able to temporarily enlarge the penis, and when it does so, there is a very small amount of increased size.
In most cases, it is hardly noticeable.
However, the biggest downfall of this device is that it can potentially harm your penis.
Prolonged usage of the penis pump, as well as incorrect use can easily cause injuries that can be very painful, and sometimes permanent.
Penis pills is another method that is extremely popular on the market.
Unfortunately, these pills do nothing more than increase blood flow to the penis.
Though this is not a bad thing, it does not do much in terms of increasing the size of your manhood.
However, though you might not achieve a bigger penis, you will find that your erections will become harder.
Extenders are now one of the most popular methods of effectively enlarging the member.
The reason why they are so popular is because they also one of the safest methods to naturally enlarge the penis in the shortest time frame possible.
What makes these tools so effective is in the way they have been designed.
Once the device is placed on to the member, it uses the force of traction to gradually stretch the penis overtime.
Because the device is so small, the wearer is able to use it throughout the day underneath loose clothing without anyone noticing that he has it on.
This in turn allows more time for the device to use the force of traction so that it can gradually enlarge the member.
The reason why this device is safe is due to the traction rods on each side of the device.
These rods have been designed in such a way as to only exert enough pressure so that it will slowly and gradually stretch the penis overtime, thus avoiding any type of injury that can result from too much force.

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