Knowing the signs and symptoms of drug use can help you spot problems with your teen before it gets out of control.
The sooner a drug problem is identified, the more likely it is the user will be able to quit.
Most drugs have their own unique symptoms while they all have symptoms in common.
Typically, if your teen is using drugs, regardless in the type of drugs, you will see a change in behavior, lower grades, lack of performance in chores and at work.
They may start sneaking around, lying, getting in trouble at school or with the police.
Symptoms of marijuana use include talking really loud for no apparent reason, random uncontrollable laughter, fatigue, forgetfulness, driving below the speed limit, and inflammation in the white portion of their eyes.
Symptoms your teen is using inhalants includes: a constant runny nose and watering eyes, lack of muscle control, weird odor on breath and clothes, and uncontrollable fatigue.
Symptoms your teen is on PCPs include dramatic mood swings, disorientation, unprovoked violence, attacks of terror, tight muscles, pupils may appear dilated or floating, as if they are following something.
Symptoms your teen is using Ecstasy include: depression, frequent headaches, tight muscles, confusion or paranoia, increased anxiety, panic attacks, and confusion.
Although most of these symptoms could be a sign of any number of things, if they are grouped together and consistent, you should not ignore them.
It could be a sign your teen is simply experimenting, in which case intervention can stop your teen from becoming addicted or trying more and more severe drugs.
All of these drugs are dangerous even in small doses, and they are all highly addictive.
Physical and psychological addiction are equally hard to get over once they are present, and the longer you wait the more difficult it will be to get your teen the help they need.
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