Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Relationship

You have to persuade your partner that they do not really want a divorce so that they can stop your divorce and save your relationship.  This is the only way to stop the divorce.  Divorce proceedings can  be brought to an end at almost any stage before the final pronouncement and filing.  The sooner a divorce is stopped, the less likely it is that proceedings will be restarted very soon afterwards.   

Don't spend you time shouting and imploring your partner to stop your divorce as you are likely to get more annoyed and determined to see it through if you behave like this

If you start to behave politely and sensibly they will become more amenable to the idea of stopping the proceedings.  You must explain to them your reasons for thinking that a divorce is not hthe right solution for you both and why your relationship should be rekindled.   Your ex already knows how you feel so shouting and imploring will not impress them.   Say that you are very sad and that you merit another chance.  Your ex may start to see thing your way when you behave in an adult way. 

You have probably not see your ex for some months, so they are going tobe surprised at how you have changed your attitude.  You can suggest that you both take a marriage guidance course to help you understand each other and improve how you communicate with each other.  Other couples have sought this type of help when wanting to stop a divorce and found it very positive, so it may be what you both need. 

It may be difficult for your ex to accept counseling but it will at the least buy you some time before your ex tries to finalize the divorce.  You can use this time to persuade the to give your relationship another lease of life and call off all the divorce proceedings

When you start the counseling you will be able to show your ex why they were drawn to you at the start of your relationship.  They will see that you are making a serious effort t resolve the problems that exist between the two of you.   They are likely to decide to call off the divorce. 

Never forget that once a divorce is called off, the proceedings can always be recommenced and as your partner has already started the proceedings the first time; they are more likely to see it through the second time round.    Remember that your new relationship is not yet very strong so don't stop the counseling.  You can easily stop a divorce temporarily but it is very difficult to rebuild a meaningful relationship that lasts.

Joe Bisley

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