How do we get a high traffic website? Well,just like one of my old school teachers,if I didn't already know the answer then I wouldn't ask the question.
But you will be surprised to see just how easy it can be.
The traffic I am talking about us getting is also free traffic.
There are only two parts to getting a high traffic website and if you are reading this article,then,that takes care of the first part! The second part is a little more difficult (if you call typing on a keyboard difficult that is),it involves actually doing what I suggest in the next few chapters.
Every business has to start somewhere,so we are going to start where Bill Gates,Steve Jobs and a whole lot of other successfulpeople started,at the bottom.
I will also assume that you have absolutely no traffic on your website.
The first thing to do,as a measuring stick for your progress, is to go to the Alexa website and see where your site ranks (you will check this every day).
For example Google has an Alexa ranking of 1,EzineArticles has an Alexa ranking of 165(the perfect example of a high traffic website) and so on.
Your site may not even be listed or may be somewhere around 19, 000, 000 or so.
(I'm not kidding, one of my sites started at about 14, 000, 000 and is now about 13, 000).
It doesn't matter what type of product you are promoting,the methodology is still the same.
First off,as an example, if you are selling 'neck ties',go to the Google "Insights' online keyword tool and type in 'neck ties'.
You will see by the results you obtain that you will now have the top ten search words used to find 'neck ties',and you will also have a list of 'rising search terms' that people are using to find their neck ties.
(some little gold nuggets is what you've got).
Now you will check the keywords you have just obtained for competition,the object is to use keywords that are not referenced 'collectively' in the search engines.
This is how to find out,one of our key words may have been 'silk neck ties',so we go to our search engine and type it in,look at the results of how many references there are to 'silk neck ties'.
There are over 580, 000 or so.
Now,put the words inside quotation marks and do another search.
You will find about 22, 000 results this time (much lower than the first result,meaning less competition).
This means that our keyword term is indeed a little gold nugget that we should use.
We only need to start with about twenty or so good keywords.
Now,write twenty different articles,using a separate keyword for each article.
The title of your article must contain the keyword.
Publish each article on your blog (or website), each article must have its own page and the page name will also contain the keyword phrase.
The last step to developing a hightraffic website is to publish your articles on a good article distribution site, once you have published your first twenty articles,start on your next twenty.
Same method every time, keep checking your results in Alexa,before long you will start to see some interesting results.
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