There a lot of women who are looking to get in great shape especially for the summer months.
They are looking for the quickest, fastest, and most effective way to reach their goals.
But, when it comes to working out with weights quite a few women simply don't want to do it.
Of course one of the most common excuses is that if a woman were to use weights during an exercise then they would get bigger muscles, much like that of a man.
This is not true due to the fact that women have estrogen in their bodies which simply will not allow large muscles to develop.
Another fear that women have especially when working with weights is that they will get injured or become sore.
In reality working out with weights will actually prevent injury and alleviate any soreness that may become apparent.
Now you don't want to jump right in and lift more weight than you can.
It's best to start out with small weights and work your way up to heavier weights over time.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when weightlifting is to always observe proper form and technique throughout the entire exercise.
If you are even a little unsure of your form then you should stop immediately and take a break.
In regard to soreness almost everyone who becomes involved in a new exercise will be sore at one point or another.
The key to reducing soreness is to warm up before your workout and to stretch before and after your workout session.
Some women are worried that they will look foolish trying to lift weights or they don't like to be watched by other individuals while performing weight training routines.
For one you don't have to workout at the gym.
You can easily purchase a few dumbbells or resistance bands and workout at home.
And especially if you start out with the right weight (a light enough weight that you can easily perform the desired amount of repetitions in one set with) then the likelihood of you looking foolish is slim to none.
There are a lot of people that are self-conscious about what they are doing and what other people may be thinking about them.
The truth of the matter is that you are on your way to a better, healthier, and more-fit looking body and you shouldn't worry what others think.
Weight training is one of the best forms of exercise that an individual can perform.
Women should definitely consider incorporating some form of weight training and/or resistance into their exercise regimens.
The benefits to working out with weights are undeniable.
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