Digital Photography is the need of people going to distant places or for people who want to have their images on the desktops of their personal computers.
Digital photography later became the most used form of photography, but before that the photography which was widely accepted was the film photography.
Film photography has been the art or the inspiration for many of the photographers.
According to a study, photography started around the dark ages in the European countries.
It was the only way to bring the art of photography into existence.
As time passed by, it became the hobby of the people who don't even know how to click on the button and develop the films.
So there came the need of digital photography, a form of photography which uses digital technology to make images of subjects.
Digital photographs can be transmitted, manipulated, stored and can be resized.
This makes digital photography to rule the industry of photography.
Advantages of Digital photography Digital photography has many advantages over the ancient form of photography.
The digital photography has its impact in this photography world and thereby the cameras used are further divided into consumer digital cameras and professional ones.
A few of the advantages have been summed up below:- Advantages in the case of consumer digital cameras:- o The snaps taken can be easily reviewed and the photographer doesn't have to wait to develop the films.
The same can be changed through the technology if it is blurred or has some defects.
o For a person like me who's always ready to capture his hundreds of images, the ongoing cost is minimum unless and until we have to mail it.
o The pictures can be easily printed with the help of a computer and a colour printer.
o The best part is that videos can be easily made out of a digital camera while the same can't be done with the help of a film photographer.
Advantages in the case of a professional digital camera:- o The professionals need better lightning and composition which is why the film cameras are popular but the digital professional camera leads in this too and has better lightning and composition.
o The digital image is captured in the raw format and cam be changed in the three different formats of imaging which is then merged and processed with colour effects to produce a better picture.
o The professional camera brands like Nikon and canon have made it a point to promote the add-on of the digital single reflex lens cameras (DSLRs).
Thus the 10+ mega pixel images can be easily used in the newspapers or may be even printed in the magazines.
After knowing all this about the digital cameras, one should not waste the time in buying a digital camera even if you tempt of having an artist inside him.
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