Fortunately the drive-thru accident where hit a parked car with celeb girlfriend, Cheryl Cole, on Tuesday was not too severe. Apparently was too caught up in conversation and the only bodily damage will be Cole sporting a sling on her right arm briefly.
The severity of a car accident can obviously lead to different results though- sometimes minor and sometimes tragic. Whichever type of car accident you may end up in, there are a few key things you should always do after being in a car accident.
Stay Calm
Make sure to take a moment and breathe- realize you are okay and any quick movements could amplify any injures you may have received. If your car is operable, make sure it is to the side of the road to prevent any other accidents. If it is not, the best idea is to stay in the car with your hazard lights on.
Make a Police Report
If police have not arrived on the scene, make sure to call them. Depending on the severity of the accident, police will not go the scene of the accident. It is best though to try and call regardless. At this point you should be sure to talk with the other people involved in the accident. Be sure to get all of their information, including their name, address, telephone number, drivers license number, license plate number and insurance information. Be sure to copy all of this information down and verify it by looking at copies, preferably with photos.
Call your Insurance Agent
Be certain to give all of the ascertained information to your insurance agent as soon as you can. This will help your agent investigate the matter and contact the other driver(s) insurance information as well.
Do Not Claim Fault
Do not try to claim fault or to blame fault either. It is important to simply ask how the other driver is doing and to keep your calm. It always behooves you to act rational in such matters.
Seek Medical Attention
Be sure to seek medical attention. Your injuries could worsen with time so it is important to try and get an early diagnoses. This also will help your insurance agent and will be useful information if you get an attorney.
Call an Attorney
Often times, while your wounds are still healing, you may hear back from you insurance agent trying to have you settle for something you see unfit. If you are unhappy with the settlement you should seek legal advice. Often times personal injury law can be very complex which is why it is advised to call an expert. You should receive the most compensation you can.
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