Your doctor has been well-trained by his education institutions and has vast knowledge about the medical world and what comes out of the pharmaceutical industry.
Ask your doctor about a particular prescription and he/she will tell you what they have been told by a sales person from one of the pharmaceutical companies or what is in the pharmacopeia.
Ask them if they know what pycnogenol is or does and they will ask, "What's that?" Seven out of ten medical personnel have never heard of it.
Yet it has been instrumental in "miraculous" recovery of many patients.
Doctors are not aware of modern discoveries in the nutrition field.
They don't have time to bother looking up such innovations and the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want them to learn about such things.
Most doctors will admit their lack of knowledge concerning nutrition breakthrough products but advise against using anything out of their knowledge base.
Even if a doctor learns about a nutritional breakthrough, he cannot share that knowledge with you nor recommend you use it.
To do so labels him/her as a quack, s/he is shunned by other doctors and could actually lose the license s/he worked so hard to earn.
One doctor even told a friend, "These nutrients are too strong for you, don't use them.
" In my opinion that statement was malpractice because the doctor in question knows very little about nutrition and especially the break-through nutrients which are in that product.
The reason doctors refuse to recommend nutrition is to protect themselves from malpractice suits.
When it comes to alternative relief of disease, your doctor is between a rock and a hard place, partly because of a lack of knowledge in the nutrition field and partly because of the pressures of time and fear of peers.
There are also a lot of patients who have a disease wherein a nutrient could bring relief, but they are convinced the medical model is the only valid one.
If the doctor would suggest such an alternative, the patient would report the doctor as a quack.
You need to do your own research if you want to use alternative means to glowing health.
There is a lot of false information on the internet, but also a lot of truth.
Just because a nutrition company says a product is good doesn't make it so.
But you can look for research for a particular product or key ingredient of a product on the internet and find the information you need.
For example, it will take you many long hours or even days to read all the research that has been done on pycnogenol.
It has proven its abilities many times over in the lives of people who use the product.
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