Insurance Health & Medical Insurance

How Individual Health Insurance Comes in Handy to Combat MNDs

Diseases can strike anyone at any time. There is, therefore, a need of having a comprehensive safeguard option to protect you from its onslaught. In today's era we are more prone to contracting diseases, courtesy the high rates of exposure to discharges, pollution and the likes. For instance, those working in chemical factories have a higher chance of contracting lung cancer than those who don't. Also, today's extremely competitive jobs add the stress factor which might result in people complaining of schizophrenia, hypertension etc.

Elaborating upon brain and spine related diseases, the most common mental disorder affects your motor neurons and causes them to lose their function. MND or motor neuron disease is an extremely serious form of progressive neurodegeneration over a span of time. This is incurable and the causes of it are still unknown. Motor neurons, i.e. the ones that enable us to walk, breath, swallow and carry out daily chores, progressively lose their function over a period of time.

In the normal course, messages from upper motor neurons (brain nerve cells) are transmitted to nerve cells in the spinal cord and the brain stem onward to particular muscles. A disruption in these signals can result in peril. It could result in muscle weakening, withering away of the muscle or uncontrollable twitching. Eventually this leads to the loss of voluntary movement. MNDs may be acquired or inherited and occur in all age groups. They are more commonly found in men than in women and the symptoms generally appear after 40.

According to researchers, people with a family history are more prone to contracting MND. This is closely related with a problem of genes. The plausible causes of non-inherited MNDs are not known but toxic, viral or environmental factors may be the cause. Common motor neuron diseases include progressive bulbar palsy, primary lateral sclerosis and inherited forms of spinal muscular atrophy.

There is no standard treatment for the MNDs, however symptomatic and supportive treatment can help patients. These enable them to be more comfortable while maintaining their quality of life. In such a situation, where one is required to proactively monitor the progress, individual health insurance is imperative. Individual health insurance helps cover the affected member of your family across every stage of treatment. It also seeks to cover the cost of medical treatment along with reimbursing the medical expenses incurred due to hospitalization. As per the policy, the insurer pays for pre and post hospitalization expenses. With insurance, those suffering from any of the motor neuron diseases can gain access to the latest forms of therapy at subsidized prices. Insurance can also allow you to access cashless facility at a hospital nearest to you. Insurance also delegates claim settlement related work to its own customer services team, thereby leaving you hassle free.

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