It is not unlikely for a broker to wait 2-3 weeks for their money after paying the truck.
But fortunately, purchasing a lot of equipment or inventory is not a requirement.
There are some freight brokers that also maintain a fleet of trucks.
But most brokers are non-asset based and do not require a lot of start up capital.
How much start up money DON'T you need? Let me point out first that there are comments made to me from time to time of needing $50K to $300K to start operations.
This is pure nonsense unless the broker has a huge backlog of customers waiting to provide him with loads.
But most start out from scratch or with a small number of loads.
This does not require a large stockpile of money.
But, let us look at some sources to investigate.
Traditional Money Sources Some new start ups:
- tap into their savings or 401K to fund the initial start up costs,
- have a family member who is willing and able to help,
- have a good relationship with their banker and it is not a problem to come up with $10K or so,
- involve people who are on disability and their insurance company provides the funding,
- involve a fewer number that is able to get a grant because their local community is economically distressed.
Also, there may be state run business development centers that can provide either information or funding.
Unfortunately, not too many money sources will stand outside your front door with a big red sign that says, "We have money for YOU!" The fact is, you have to dig it out.
Yes, the banks seem to always be touting the fact that they have money and want to fund small businesses.
But besides taking collateral on your house, they will also want to collateralize your favorite dog and youngest child.
Of course I'm joking - but have you tried to get traditional bank financing? Especially if you have not had a long time relationship with the bank? What About Using Factors? For those freight brokers who don't have a cushion of money or who cannot obtain other financing, there are "factors" who will buy your accounts receivable.
They take a percentage of your receivable but they will take care of the collection process in many cases.
We go into more detail on this in our training.
Consider This New Source for Lending A new source of borrowing is called "Peer-to-Peer Lending".
This is where individuals put up money to loan to other individuals.
The bank is by passed entirely.
Now, this is a new format and it would be wise to check it out on the Internet and maybe the FTC.
Just Google, "peer to peer lending".
You will find articles as well as websites and these can be great sources of information.
The major idea with Peer-to-Peer Lending is that you will usually find lower rates plus you avoid much of the complications that occur when you go through a bank.
"P to P" lending is not a haven for those with bad credit or those seeking to avoid scrutiny; but it might be something to get your started.
Do Your Homework The idea is to become a research hound and explore every potential alternative you can for start up money.
Talk to people.
Make a lot of phone calls.
Keep digging and digging.
You might be surprised what you come up with.