Health & Medical Nutrition

Eat Healthy to Make Your Day Bright!

Life has changed! Wonder if we have changed life or life has changed us.
There is no time for anything.
Everything is so fast and hectic.
We do not know what to do other than work and then work, and then work.
In being busy, we forget our diet.
We are forgetting that health is more important than anything else in this world.
We can get anything back in life, but when something happens to health, and then things would get difficult.
There is an old saying- Health is wealth! Yes it is true.
Without health, there is nothing.
Other than forgetting the basic needs of our body, we also ignore our food habits.
We do not get time to exercise or meditate but in this fast life, we must at least eat good food.
Proper diet is the soul of your mind.
It makes you work and energizes you.
It is tough for anyone who goes to office daily or for work to stay fit whole day with all energy.
You need to fight this life, the way we physically struggle and survive; the same way our mind needs some weapons to fight the stress off from us.
It is not difficult to get proper diet on-the-go, but remember to avoid junk food.
It tastes good, but does not boost your energy levels, which you would need badly while working.
It depends on person to person, work to work as to what diet he or she should intake.
So, first you have to analyze what kind of work you do, what areas you have to face in your whole day.
The best thing to do after waking up is to grab any fruit and eat it up.
For people who work in organizations or corporate world, the better option is to take cereals as breakfast.
However, many people rely on corn flakes, wheat flakes, etc.
But if you do not get time even to make a bowl of it, and then drink milk.
Always remember fresh fruits and salads are very good for your health as they boost your energy levels when your day is stressed and you spend a hectic day.
It is better to avoid pure fruit juices as they have more than recommended carbohydrates.
Dilute some percentage of water before drinking any fruit juice.
It is better to eat fruits if you do not spare time out from your busy schedule.
A piece of any fruit gives your body the energy that it craves during stress.
People usually forget to keep certain things in mind while eating or when busy.
Avoid eating when you are busy or talking to people.
Take some time out and concentrate on the way you eat.
Concentrate on the muscles that chew the food you are eating.
Remember, you must chew at least 35 times before swallowing, it helps in better digestion.
Go for tamarind soup, tomato juice, carrot juice, and banana slices.
They boost your energy levels.
Sugar-cane juice and mango juice help in regaining your lost energy levels at higher rates.
In order to fight anxiety, avoid sweet and refined foods, caffeine, and salt related products.
However, consumption of milk is very much recommended during stress and very busy day because Tryptophan in milk boosts brain's serotonin levels, which calms you down and decreases the risk of anxiety.
So to fight the battle of life, you have to be very healthy.
Grab a mug of milk or juice and eat a couple of slices bananas.
Rock on!

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