Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Genital Herpes - Are You Aware of the Possible Health Complications of Herpes?

Some people may never show symptoms of genital herpes, but for others they can be severe enough to trigger health complications.
While it is true that some people may never such shows symptoms of genital herpes, for others they can become severe enough that complications will develop including blisters or sores spreading to other parts of the body.
HSV thrives in mucus and may affect any part of the body where mucus is found.
When sores or blisters appear on the hands or fingers is referred to as "herpetic whitlow".
The trouble here is that when infection occurs on the hands it tends to be spread around to other parts of the body through contact.
To help contain this protection should be worn on the hands or fingers.
Our eyes, especially that of babies, are also vulnerable to the herpes virus.
When eyes become infected it is called "ocular herpes" or"herpes keratitis".
If ignored, herpes keratitis could lead to blindness.
If you are aware that you have herpes and you feel any irritation in your eyes it is wise to consult a doctor immediately.
Our eyes are an extremely sensitive organ and you do not want to ignore this warning sign.
In extreme cases blindness may occur.
It is not uncommon in women who have outbreaks of genital herpes to have our co-occurring vaginal yeast infections.
It is important to know that one does not cause the other, it just seems that they often occur at the same time.
If you have genital herpes, it does not necessarily mean you will get vaginal yeast infections; reverse is true also.
In some cases, the herpes virus can get into and infect the cerebrospinal fluid and the tissue that surrounds the brain.
If this happens there is a possibility of encephalitis and/or meningitis.
Meningitis can be extremely dangerous and even life-threatening.
Danger signs to watch out for are: seizures, changes in vision, sensitivity to light, being woozy or drowsy alot.
Encephalitis and meningitis can lead to coma.
If a persons' immune system is compromised then their internal organs are susceptible to some damage.
For example complications may occur in the liver, joints, lungs.
People with cancer, diabetes, HIV, someone undergoing chemotherapy.
There is relief and treatment available for genital herpes.
It pays to be open and educated about the condition.
More information is available.

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