Health & Medical Women's Health

What Causes Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a vaginal infection caused when the "bad" bacteria in the vagina overrun the "good" bacteria in the vagina.
Women's vaginas all have a normal balance of microorganisms, if this sense of balance is upset this creates the BV infection.
Unlike most sexually transmitted diseases, this infection results from the bacteria in the vagina becoming unbalanced.
Bacterial Vaginosis or BV is one of the most common types of vaginal infections in women.
Although not fully understood why women get Bacterial Vaginosis, it is thought that some behaviors and activities can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina and cause an increased risk including: having multiple sexual partners or a new sexual partner, douching, using intrauterine devices (IUD), having a female sexual partner or having a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Higher incidences of lesbians have led some to theorize that the sexual exchange of vaginal secretions is a possible way for the BV to be passed on.
It is very important that if you suspect you may have BV, that you see your physician or Gynecologist as soon as possible.
BV should not be confused with a yeast infection or the Trichomoniasis infection, which are not caused by bacteria.
BV is one of the most often misdiagnosed infections.
Bacterial Vaginosis, although, rarely seen, can be found in some pre-pubescent girls.
The BV could possibly be caused by the strep bacteria or by improper hygiene (wiping) after bowel movements.
It is imperative that mothers teach their daughters during potty training to wipe correctly, which is from front to back.
NOT vice versa.
It is normally considered a mild infection, which will go away on its own within a few days.
However, if the infection shows no signs of disappearing, the woman should contact her physician as soon as possible for treatment.
There are many reasons thought to cause BV, some of which are: tight panties or jeans, or the wearing of a thong, as this causes the cloth to rub against the anus and the vagina.
Cases of BV are more likely to appear in women that are sexually active between the ages of 15 and 44, especially after a woman has had contact with a new sexual partner.
Although it is thought that condoms may provide some protection, there is no real evidence that spermicide decreases BV risk.
BV is generally associated with sexual activity and there is no clearer evidence of transmission, except via sexual activity.
Virgins are also at risk of developing BV; however, there is no real answer why.
It is thought that BV is a disorder between the biological and chemical balance of the normal flora (bacteria) within the vagina.
Most recent research has shown that there may be a link between sexual partner treatment and the suppression of recurrent cases of BV between women partners or lesbians.
Nevertheless, the link between sexual activity and BV shows that treatment for a male and female partner is unnecessary.
It is important that should the woman have a female partner, both partners should be treated BV if one or the other contracts the infection.

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