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Fertilizer factories
I have had fish tanks all of my life. Little did I realize that at the bottom of the tank, hidden in the gravel was gold. I discovered it when I cleaned my 55 gallon tank and dumped the water I removed in the yard. A couple of weeks later there was one heck of a bright green spot. Surprise! When you clean a fish tank and use a gravel siphon you are extracting some of the best fertilizer around. It is high in nutrients, nitrogen, and won't burn the roots. - 2
Tank siphon for cleaning gravel.
A 10 gallon fish tank is quite affordable. You may even be able to pick one up at a rummage sale or thrift store. You will only need the basics a tank, gravel, bubbler. You can add an undergravel filter and a lighted hood for appearance if you wish. The basic keys are using hardy goldfish and not putting plants in the tank. Goldfish are fine at room temp and do not need a heater. - 3). The fish waste settles in the gravel and breaks down into great fertilizer. Ever couple months you use the siphon to clean out the gravel. You replace the lost water with fresh and continue feeding your little friends. I water my plants right away wit the mix an do not let it settle out. If the solids do settle I mix it back up a bit.
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