Health & Medical Dental & Oral

3 Ways to Stop Your Bad Breath Problem

If you have someone in your life who has told you that you have bad breath, you should be thankful.
Most bad breath sufferers are unaware of their problem - and when they do find out, they are usually the last to know.
There are a few tell-tale signs though.
We're going to look at these, and more importantly, what you can do about stopping your bad breath problem.
If you find that people regularly offer you mints or chewing gum, it might be because you have bad breath.
Another sign is that when you talk to people they back away from you or cover their nose - very discretely, of course, because usually no-one wants to tell you the horrible and embarrassing truth.
But if you're reading this, it is likely that you already know you have a problem and you want to know how to stop it.
You will, I'm sure, have already started cleaning your teeth even more than usual - that is a common reaction to finding out that you have bad breath.
There is a natural tooth cleanser that you have probably not considered, and that you should use - this is the humble apple.
As well as being good for your health in general, the apple also helps to clean plaque from your teeth and to strengthen your gums.
So adopting the habit of an apple a day will be helpful to you.
An electric toothbrush is also useful in breaking down plaque and strengthening gums.
They can brush your teeth with several thousand brush strokes per minute, compared to the tens of brush strokes that you can manage manually.
There are other things to do as well, though.
An important one is interdental cleaning, aka flossing.
An amazing eight out of ten Americans don't floss.
If you are one of those, then you would be interested in trying the following experiment: floss between your teeth - and then smell the floss.
If you can smell an odor on the floss, other people can smell that same odor coming from your mouth.
You may be able to smell an odor on the floss, but think that it is a weak odor.
This would be because you have become used to the smell and for you, it is mild.
Rest assured, though, that the strength of the odor is much higher for other people.
As well as being an indication that you have a bad breath problem, this experiment is also a lesson in why you should floss.
Quite simply, no matter how much you brush, you won't be cleaning between your teeth, and the odor that you just smelt will be building up - and repelling other people.
There are many different flossing methods that you can use, ranging from a simple thread to toothpicks, specially designed interdental brushes, and if you find those awkward, a powered water-jet that literally blasts plaque and food debris out from between your teeth.
Another source of bad breath is your tongue.
If you have a white film on your tongue, you almost certainly have bad breath.
Most people find this film on their tongues in the morning.
Using a tongue scraper, you can simply remove this source of bad breath.

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