- Just apply the apple cider vinegar on the infected area. In this case, apple cider works effectively to cure psoriasis by balancing the PH levels. Then, take a wet cloth and soaked it in apple vinegar and put it on the affected area of the skin.Leave it for 30 minutes.
- Make use of aloe vera to ensure that your skin is always lubricated. Rub it into the affected area before going to bed. The purpose of this is to make sure that your skin can completely absorb it. Another tips, after having a shower, you can directly apply aloe vera on your skin so that your skin is always hydrated.
- You can also take your bath with oatmeal and Epsom salt. Both of these are really good natural cures for psoriasis. Use mild soaps to cleanse your body. The soaps must not contain chemicals in its composition. This is important to prevent any irritation to your skin.
- Consume foods that are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E helps in the healing process of the skin. Some of food that are rich with vitamin E are wheat germ and sweet potatoes.
- Lastly, make a compress out of cabbage leaves. To do this, clean the cabbage by using warm water. Dry it with a towel afterwards. Next, soften and flatten the leaves using rolling pin. Make sure the veins are removed. After being heated, the leaves are then put on the affected area. The leaves have to be placed over lap on each other. Last but not least, finish the process by cover it with a soft cloth.
Discover 5 Simple Natural Cures for Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a type of disease or skin condition in which the patient suffers severe irritation, skin redness and dry flaky skin. This skin condition usually forms on the scalp, at the back and on the knees. The over production of the skin cells is said to be the cause of it. To solve the problem, we need to use some of the natural cures for psoriasis. So, here are some of the simple natural cures that you can used to get rid of the dry flaky skin problem once and for all.