Free Automobile insurance quote save 50% by reading this and quickly learn how to get a quote that will significantly lower your car insurance.
If you drive, in most states you must have insurance for your automobile. The minimum requirements for insurance depends on which state you live in as requirements vary. It is always a good idea to go to your state government website and look under automobile insurance and learn what the current minimum requirements are.
Keep in mind that minimum requirements change from time to time because state legislatures passed new laws and insurance commissioners change requirements.
There is a process for finding low rates for your car insurance and if you take your time you can save money.
Apply these discounts:
High deductible up to $1200 per accident = 40% discount.
Liability insurance instead of comprehensive = 20% discount.
Good driving record = 10% discount.
Buy homeowners insurance and car insurance from the same company= 10% discount.
Here are three ways to get quotes on your auto insurance and be sure to apply the deductibles to your application.
Number 1. Drive down the street and the first sign you see that says automobile insurance go in and talk to the agent. The two different types of agents are the independent agent, who can sell you insurance from several different companies and the captive agent who only sells insurance for one company.
Number 2. Look in the Yellow Pages and call agencies that sell car insurance. They can give you rates over the phone and if you give them all your pertinent information, they can activate your policy instantly and you will be covered.
Number 3. Go online and pull up some car insurance companies and submit several applications and within 24 hours, or perhaps minutes in some cases, you will receive your quotes. Some of these insurance websites will refer you to an agent and some can cover you online.
Jimmy says after you have done everything you need to do to get your quote make sure you read the entire policy before you accept. There is nothing worse than finding out what is in your insurance policy after you have an accident.
Free automobile insurance quote can be received several different ways and you can save money no matter which of these ways you use to obtain your insurance.
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