Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Angelic Realms - Angel of Serenity Cassiel

As we continue to explore the many insights among the Angelic realms, we are given many opportunities to shed fear and doubt, transforming negative energy into positive, healing love and light.
Serenity is the next higher-vibration closely following on wing-tips of peacefulness.
The Angel of Serenity, Cassiel, is associated with Saturn and depicted straddling a dragon.
His sword is said to be fashioned from the mystical Phoenix, one who rises from the ashes to begin again.
Being in a state of serenity feels more like a concept rather than something that can actually be attained.
While it can be elusive, it is worth practicing patience so that we can resolve conflicts, ridding ourselves of energy blocks within, creating chaos in our outer, physical world.
When we are in a state of serenity on any level, we are able to tap into that part of ourselves that simply knows beyond all rational form of understanding, that our desire to fulfill our purpose is completely within our reach.
The Law of Vibration precedes the Law of Attraction on every conceivable level of mind and emotion.
Where your thoughts are focused, your emotions follow.
Where your emotions are focused, your thoughts follow.
Being consciously aware of what is happening within and around you, gifts you with the ultimate power of choice to transform literally anything and everything you think and feel in as little time as it takes to close your eyes and complete three deep, slow, breath cycles.
It's about surrendering conflict and offering non-resistance.
To be clear, surrendering is not about giving-up and giving-in.
It's also not about allowing others to violate your boundaries or disrespect you in any way.
Surrender is about going with the flow of energy, and allowing all that is not for your highest and best good to flow around and away from you, leaving you untouched on any level of thought or emotion.
Think of serenity as a form of healing dis-ease mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically and Spiritually.
To connect with Cassiel, the Angel of Serenity, close your eyes, go within and softly ask this Angel to take from you all that is not of a match vibrationally to fulfilling your purpose and being in a state of gratitude and appreciation at the very deepest levels possible.
As you practice attaining and being in a state of blissful serenity, you will be amazed at what begins to appear into your life experience, creating a new more positive and prosperous reality.
All that we have thought, felt and experienced is a reflection in our current physical reality.
To change your current reality - no matter where you are right now - be willing to be willing to let go of what was as you open your mind and heart to what is coming in to view for you even now.

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