Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Becoming Financially Independent and Successful - Part 6

To summarise what we have said previously.
The five steps to become successful.
Identify all negative aspects, shortcomings, fears and failures in your life.
It will work better if you put these in writing so that specific attention can be given to each aspect individually.
Then work through each item individually systematically.
Understand the power of the human brain and that every person is born to be a success in life.
Every action requires a reaction and it depends on your self image if you are going to react positively or negatively in certain situations.
Create an image of success of how you would like to be.
Set specific objectives or goals that you want to reach.
Once you have set these up you can start working systematically towards achieving each individual goal.
All of them cannot be reached at the same time but you can achieve success by working on each goal individually over a period of time.
Experience or create images of success in your mind.
Spend some time on this and experience these images in the finest detail.
Relax completely while doing this.
It can be done in the morning, evening or even during the day during while experiencing stressful situations.
I t can be done for 5 or 10 minutes or even for a few seconds at a time.
Act as if success have already been accomplished and understand or rather realise how powerful the brain is.
Do not try and force results by willpower.
It will only short-circuit the process of your natural steering mechanism.

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