Many people wonder what happens after death.
I am a student (disciple) of the Ascended Masters of Light and have been educated by the masters about what happens after your physical body dies.
Firstly, before you incarnate on Earth you plan out three exit points where you can choose to pass over from the physical body into the world of spirit.
You have up to one day prior to decide if you wish to continue living on after the first two exit points, however you do not have this option on the last and final exit point.
Whichever exit point you decide to pass over and leave the physical body, when this time occurs, you are met in the world of spirit by your spiritual guide or a family member who you have familiarity with to cause you the least amount of fear and confusion.
This is based on the assumption that you believe in an afterlife or in God.
As your thoughts create your reality, if you do not believe in an afterlife after you pass over, or believe you should be punished for eternity, then your thoughts can take you to the lower astral realms where you will reside with other souls who have the same belief.
The lower astral realms are also known as hell.
The movie "What dreams may come" has a very good depiction of how your thoughts create your reality after you pass over.
If you have a deep inner belief in the afterlife, even if you profess to be an atheist on the surface, then you will be met by your spirit guide or family member and taken to a place to rest in the reception areas of the spiritual realms.
This is an intermediary place where you become re-adjusted to the world of spirit and where you must find a place of relative peace in order to continue on to the higher realms of the world of spirit where you will reside.
As your thoughts create your reality instantly when you pass over, you need to learn to re-adjust your thoughts very quickly in order not to manifest a reality that is unpleasant.
So this transition period is important.
What also happens during this re-adjustment period in the reception areas is you must face the Hall of Mirrors.
Your spiritual guide will take you to the Hall of Mirrors where you are left on your own and your entire life that you have just left on Earth is replayed to you from all perspectives - from your perspective as the central figure in the story of your life and from the perspective of other key players in your life who have been on the receiving end of your choices and actions.
It is here you gain a greater appreciation for your life just lived and you are given remembrance of your original Soul Plan that you mapped out to determine if you achieved your life goals in relation to your earthly actions and choices.
Many people who review their life in the Hall of Mirrors are devastated by their actions and choices and for those who are unable to find peace with what has transpired in their earthly life, a spiritual channel on Earth often is needed to be found so this soul can ask for forgiveness for someone still on Earth.
What is key to point out here is that you are not judged by anyone in the world of spirit for your actions on Earth.
You are the only one who reviews your life in the Hall of Mirrors and you are not judged by anyone, including by God the Creator.
You are your only judge.
Many on Earth say this is not fair that souls who are "bad" are not judged in the world of spirit, yet something else occurs to bring balance.
There are many spiritual realms and levels in the world of spirit, ranging from very pure and loving to very impure and unloving.
A soul whose consciousness is negative and unloving will enter a realm that reflects their consciousness.
So in this sense, they are reaping what they have sown.
They are choosing their own place of residence.
For souls who are truly negative, they are only given a certain amount of time before they must choose the path of love and forgiveness.
In this instance, these souls who run out of time after many incarnations on Earth must face the Second Death Ceremony.
The First Death is life on Earth, where you have separated from God, and the Second Death is where you have run out of time and are asked to bend your knee before God the Creator to re-assert your will to God's will of love and forgiveness.
For those souls who fail to bend their knee like Adolf Hitler chose not to, their time is up and their individual consciousness as a soul is wiped and the God-consciousness that exists in their soul is returned to the Creator, no longer a separate soul.
For souls who commit suicide, these souls will enter a level of the spiritual realm that reflects their state of consciousness.
They will be met by spirit guides who will help them and guide them and they are never judged.
There are many reasons why a soul commits suicide and suicide is not a reflection on the souls worth or value.
The soul will, however, need to redo the life and learn the lesson that was not learnt on Earth by overcoming the fear that caused them to end their life.
The most important thing to remember is that there is nothing to fear with death.
What happens after death is rejoicing, for your soul has returned to a place of serenity and love - so long as you believe in love.
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