In principle, the Law of Attraction is simple; we attract what we think about.
So we visualize and take some action and we wait, and wait, but it still doesn't happen.
And that's when we get frustrated and confused.
Particularly because we seem to be able to get this to work when it comes to the smaller things; the parking space that becomes available just when we need it or exactly the right item we find in the store.
But the ideal career, the perfect relationship, the dream house, well, they seem as far away as ever.
We've heard it said that it's as easy to use the Law of Attraction to manifest a pin as a castle because it's all the same energy, so what's going wrong? One of the main reasons why we don't attract the 'bigger' things we want into our lives is that we aren't consistent with our thoughts.
Imagine you're in a restaurant.
You order what you think you want, but before the waitress can get your order to the kitchen you call her back, saying you've changed your mind.
Off she goes for the second time, but she doesn't get very far before you call her back again.
If this happens too many times she'll give up and you'll go hungry.
This is, in effect, how the Universe reacts when we dither over our intentions.
Sometimes, we'll change our minds on a daily basis, depending how optimistic or pessimistic we're feeling, or how influenced we are by things we see, read or hear.
Doubts will creep in about 'how' we're going to get what we want, so we'll switch to something that we think is more realistic.
But then later, as we hit a more upbeat frame of mind, we think, hey, no, I don't need to limit myself, I have to think big! And we'll revert to our original desire.
If we're not crystal clear about what we want then all sorts of influences can sway us and persuade us to change our minds.
We're pushed around every which-way like a rudderless boat in a storm.
Take the time to look deep inside and find what you really want.
When you do, you won't feel the need to change your mind, because you know there is nothing better you could want - this is it.
Your visualizations and inspired actions will stay consistent day in day out.
When you can stay focused like this, the Universe will support you all the way, and then you must attract what you want.
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