Pacifiers May Help Babies Wake More Easily
After the age of three, pacifiers can cause both "buck teeth" and abnormal spacing. "Long-term use can also cause a narrowing of the upper jaw," Armanazi tells WebMD. "It's common in kids and can only be corrected with an external device known as head gear," he explains.
Until more is known about the effects of pacifiers, doctors recommend other ways to prevent SIDS. "Always place your baby on its back when unattended, because SIDS is linked with lying on the stomach," says Karen Duncan, MD, an associate professor of pediatrics at Emory University in Atlanta. "You also want to avoid wrapping blankets around your baby too tightly," she adds.
Pillows, comforters, and waterbeds are also associated with SIDS. "That's why it's so risky for babies to sleep in your bed," says Ellis Beesley, MD, an assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California. "But if you want to have them nearby just after delivery, put a bassinet in your room or make one out of a dresser drawer," he advises.