- While there are exceptions to every rule, most male toddlers have a tendency to be aggressive, and are likely to throw tantrums when they are told "no." Encouraging a little boy's independence may help to reduce these tantrums, since boys often think more logically naturally and will be better behaved when they can figure out their own solutions to problems.
- Toddler girls may express an interest in imaginative play, and will likely start to explore how it feels to be a "mommy" or explore career paths. Little girls are usually not as aggressive when playing alone or with others, and will naturally want to foster relationships with their peers--some toddler girls establish friendships at this age that last for a lifetime, due to the fact that girls tend to be in touch with their feellings earlier in life and may be able to express themselves verbally earlier.
- Boys in their teenage and pre-adolescent years may go through bouts of selfishness, as well as an unwillingness to admit flaws. Making sure that your son knows you are available to talk when he is ready can help with this.
- While all children are impressionable and learn by watching their parents, boys and girls take in this information differently. Boys will usually want to directly emulate a parent's physical strength or abilities, while girls tend to imitate a parent's attitude or characteristics.
- Children need to be encouraged to do well in school and sports, and should always be praised for a job well done. Girls tend to need encouragement instead of criticism; boys may respond to knowing they are disappointing you as a parent when they exhibit bad behavior.
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