Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Dna and the Superimposition of Duality


In Vedic text the onrolling process of how the one Brahman became many is called vivartavarda. That there exist the many is a superimpositon imposed by maya; that is, the one is playing all the roles. The entire creational saga is where depersonalization, impersonalization and detachment is on a primary level. On the one hand there is this ongoing changeless continuity and on the other hand, flux, and change. What accounts for this twin phenomena?
Let's take a look at the pulse of creation which is called spanda karikas in Kashmir Shavism. The ancients were very scientific in their understanding of the universe exploding, expanding, etc. This throb of universal consciousness is Shiva himself. Shiva is stillness and does not move; however, the onrolling process of the many out of one seems to entail movement. The light of consciousness does not change but appears to be changing. Spanda is the inner movement or the ecstatic ecstasy of the aesthetic experience. It is the initiatory movement of spirit as a function of will. This onrolling process can be seen in verbiage; that is, going from word to word or from thought to thought.
The immovable appears to have a variety of manifestations. The causa sine qua non of all movements is consciousness. Those investigators into Vedic science must have ascertained that ancient Rishis knew how to utilize this spanda. Today, scientist believe that DNA takes life down certain avenues and that this molecule is a responsible director, albeit ignoring consciousness as cause. DNA holds the key as to how the undifferentiated oneness and differentiated states of multiplicity are connected.
Kashmir Shavism also speaks of Matrika or Maya. Today we would call this the matrix or the illusion. The universe and everything we experience in it through the five senses and the mind is congealed or coagulated energy of the oneness. As long as you are not coming from your God Self you cannot be a player and remain at the effect level.
Eventually you must come to realize that everything you see is nothing more than spanda or pulsations, you begin to lift the veil that deluded your consciousness viz a viz the matrix. Science recognizes solitons as a pulse like wave. Our solitonic DNA structure emits and receives photons that alter our structure over time.
Every cell contains nuclear DNA info about the whole body much like a hologram; ergo, the potential to make succeeding wave copies exists creating a matrix as a superimposition. What has to be understood about spandana or vibration is subtle movement. That which is still (consciousness) appears to move; that is, the light of consciousness is not separate from manifest reality. Shiva or your atmic consciousness, albeit unmoving, sends pulses (waves) as in succession. The wave particle duality involves creation (particle), destruction (collapse) and a succeeding wave. The appearance of movement is a superimposition.
Physical activity such as DNA replication occurs in the spatio-temporal realm does so in succession due to the power of time. Shiva or the atma exist beyond space and time and moves not but creates these pulsations (spanda). At the highest level of our being we always perceive things as a whole, whereas in the physical world, we perceive events as changing positions in space contiguous with one moment to the next.
In the quantum "superimposition"; that is, a particle is in all possible states at the same time-until one looks at it. Now, what about the ultimate observer or Bhraman who is the original seer? The question arises, how many realities are there, many or one? We only know one thing for sure, whenever it is measured, it is only in one state and when not measured it is in the "superimpostion" state or all states.
The model of DNA is the Shiva lingam. Upon investigation of the lingam is the central pillar or "bana" A cobra or snake spiraling around an axis looking like a spring. This is significant because we know that the DNA molecule is a Helix that scientist today refer to as a staircase. The cobra supports the "bana" like the DNA takes support of the nucleus. The reduplication of the DNA fiber mimics the copulating snakes.
Just as our DNA superimposes our genes on our progeny; Shiva is known as "one who produces generations."The galaxy has a shape like the Shiva linga, its central mass [ i.e., bana] is 25,000 light years in height. The ultimate energy is "one" and the spandana or pulse superimposes itself on the many.
Spanda is a certain movement in the space of consciousness itself. Spanda allows Shiva to manifest, maintain and withdraw the entire universe, though Shiva does not move. The equivalent in Chinese philosophy would be "wu-wei" or actionless action.
Quantum biology is opening up to the point where we will all understand our entanglement with each other. This subtle level of interaction takes place in space that has information we can tap into. We can see this in Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Field. That DNA can resonate with this space is already known as quantum physics in action. The pulse is not electrical or magnetic as predisposed. Now it is understood that those fields are scalar fields ubiquitous in space.

That we all have subtle bodies interpenetrating each other is a superimposition. As Sri Yukteswar eluciated in his "Holy Science", man has yet to discover these subtle energies. Consciousness is not digital or full of computational bits. Our minds do things that are non computable. The mind is not in the brain. Mental events can be unified through qualia, a term for all subjective perception. What do we truly know of the universe except by subjective perception. Even science is subjective despite all attempts to reduce objective facts.
Matter and energy is supposedly all that is but a third element is missing. Certainly quantum theory opened the door explaining consiousness but qualia will help us understand the unified whole. In a participatory universe as H Everett Wheeler explains, the subject must be included as an observer. When Einstein said, "I want to know the mind of God(Shiva) the rest is just details." The mind behind the universe gives us superimposition over creation. Spanda is the consciousness waves of Shiva directing DNA; the latter does not do the directing.

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