Health & Medical Women's Health

Electronic Dog Repellers, For When Ubu Won"t Sit

I am a dog lover.
I have always had dogs and my current best friend, Kody is a 9 year old yellow Labrador who I have had since he was a pup.
My children ride this dog around the house like a carnival pony and my 2 year old son fails to understand that Kody is not indestructible.
Like all good dogs Kody is extremely tolerant of all of this and it's easy to tell he loves the kids every bit as much as we love him.
Unfortunately not all dogs are as loving, obedient and kind as Kody.
Some dogs can be, for lack of better words, vicious killing machines.
I truly believe that the vast majority of these vicious dogs are not born this way but made.
Usually by low life scumbags who should never have the privilege of owning a dog in the first place.
These types of dogs are awfully frightening because reason can not be talked into them.
They have been programmed to attack and that is all that they know.
Either that or long term abuse by irresponsible owners has made the dog afraid and untrusting of humans.
One way or another these dogs are dangerous and if one gets close enough to attack you while you are out for a morning stroll you are in significant danger.
Life threatening danger depending on the dog involved.
That is where something as inexpensive and easy to carry as an electronic dog repeller can be a real life saver (literally).
These things work in two ways.
The first is by emitting an extremely high frequency sound (20,000Hz-25,000Hz) that is discomforting to the dog but in no way harmful and can not be heard by the human ear.
And, the second is a super bright LED flashing strobe that temporarily blinds and confuses the dog but again will not do any real harm to the creature.
These have also been used to help train dogs and I completely support it's use in doing so as it is, once again, in no way shape or form harmful to the dog.
The fact that these are so portable makes them great for anyone but I always like to carry mine in the morning when I go for my daily run.
Okay, maybe I don't run daily but every other day.
At least once a week.
Listen, I'm going to start running again soon and when I do I wont have to worry about any of the scary dogs in my neighborhood.
Stay Safe.

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