Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Are There Home Remedies For Snoring?

Loud snorers exceed up to 90 decibels of sound and roughly 85% of snorers exceed 38 decibels.
Snoring is the noise made by vibrations of the soft palate and other tissues in the mouth, throat and nose.
During sleep the airways shut down occasionally and deprive the lungs of air leading to snoring.
It's very dangerous, sometimes leading to fatal incidents.
It is very disturbing to other members of the family, especially your partner.
In some cases, snoring has even led to divorces and separations.
Snoring should be taken seriously and there is no better way to cure snoring with home remedies.
Symptom of Snoring * During sleep you're your breathing makes throaty sporadic sounds.
* Petulance.
* Tiredness during day time.
* Your breath stops during sleep.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms of snoring, you should begin remedial measures immediately.
You are indeed lucky because I have found several home remedies for snoring.
Fat rich meals, dairy products and alcohol should be avoided within three hours of bedtime.
Excess fat reduces the space of air passages through which we breathe, therefore correct fat should be sustained to control snoring.
Postural correction tremendously controls snoring, so try to sleep on one side rather than lying on back.
Nasal congestion due to mucous and respiratory problems cause snoring, hence should be treated at the earliest.
Inhaling steam before going to bed is the best remedy for minimizing nasal congestion.
Sedatives, tranquilizers and medications should be avoided before going to bed in order to control snoring.
Increase the flow of natural air into your bedroom as fresh air keeps the nasal passages moist thus reducing snoring.
While sleeping use high pillows so that you head rises approximately four inches above your bed.
This position facilities airflow thus curbing snoring.
You will definitely benefit from these home remedies for snoring as following them is very easy.

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