Now to all of you that have requested an article on sales letter writing, here it is.
Let me start by saying sales letters have been known to solve almost every problem in life.
After having made that bold statement I suggest we get started.
I will do what I can to help you write a powerful sales letter.
What is a sales letter you ask? That is a good question and an important one.
My definition of a sales letter is it is simply a piece of copy that sells your entire program from top to bottom.
Yes, it sells the whole deal! It truly is your prospecting, your presentation and your closing all wrapped into one article.
So instead of you working individually with a prospect (one at a time), you can use your sales letter to work with hundreds (maybe thousands) of prospects all at the same time.
Yes this is a truly powerful tool.
But it is a tool that will require some advanced skill sets to create.
So it's time to talk about what it takes to create a good one.
So let's conduct a reality check, anyone who actually writes a great sales letter that makes a lot of money has spent a great deal of time and energy doing it.
You will learn the hard way that it is rare to hit a home run on your first attempt.
As I like to say, it is what it is.
The copy writers who are really world-class are the best because they do it all the time.
So if you find it difficult at first, do not be discouraged, because over time it will start to come naturally.
Soon it will be as natural as breathing and walking.
Can you remember how it was when you first began learning how to swim? Once you got it you felt like you had been doing it all of your life, this is no different.
Now the good news is when you are just beginning there are a few steps you can take to make copy writing a sales letter a much easier task and get good results right at the beginning.
Number one on your list should be preparation.
Most of the effort you put in to it will be in your preparation stage.
I know writers who spend several weeks preparing and just a few days writing.
I say the first thing you should do is to get inspired.
Check out what others have done, save examples or written advertisements and save the ones that are persuasive.
Copy them word for word.
Copy the pros.
Write your own headline, then go copy some pro headlines, then go write another headline.
I am sure you will find the second one to be better than the first, see you have already gotten better.
Next discover who you are writing this letter to.
Create a profile of targeted prospects.
What do you wish to say to them? Remember this, the more targeted your sales copy is, the more of those people will buy, a simple but true comment.
Now you need to find the exciting, mouth watering, juicy parts of your product, make it as detailed as it can be.
So write down everything you can think of about your product good and bad and then create some sizzle.
Would you buy it after reading what you wrote, well if the answer is no, do it again and again until you get it right.
Give your readers a call to action, why should they do anything after reading your ad, things like free shipping, limited time offer or a discount may do the trick.
Does it solve a problem? Every product solves some problem; tell your prospects about what it solves.
Have fun with what you write, some humor is not bad.
Now I hope I have helped you in your sales letter campaign.
Remember your preparation is paramount and nothing done well is done overnight.
And my comment to you is you will find your opening line to be the hardest, we all do! I assure you this is a project well worth undertaking.
But only the strongest survive, it can be simple when done correctly but it sure is not easy.
And as always you must live well to be well
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