(Here's a hint...
it SHOULD include one anyhow!!) The reality of it all is that we all have hopes, dreams and goals that we want to achieve personally, professionally and financially.
What you have to ask yourself though is how are you going to get there? Why are you doing it? An often overlooked, but nonetheless critical component of any marketing campaign is for you and anyone associated with it to understand "why you are running the campaign in the first place"! Rest assured, it is not the same for every company.
For some that will be an easy task.
For others, not so much.
Because as happens more times than not, people put the terms "sales and marketing" really into one and the only thing they come out with is sales.
For those folks, sales = marketing.
And while that may be true for some, for the majority of folks, that will not be the case.
Some of the "why's" of your campaign To understand your why better, understand what you want.
Think of your why as the strategy.
See if this is really what you are looking to get done with your marketing:
- Exposure - perhaps you have a little known brand or service and really want people to understand that there is in fact a need for it.
- Stand out from the crowd - people may know your product or service as one of many that are available.
Your why may be you want to separate yourself as the superior product or service.
Perhaps you want to be see as the "top of the line" and thereby justify why you are so good. - Introduce yourself into the marketplace - If no one knows about you, they are unlikely to call and ask to buy whatever it is you do or sell.
- Be seen as an authority in your niche or industry - Do you want to be the go to person when the NY Times (or local paper for that matter) has a question about whatever it is that you do or sell?
- Promote your time sensitive goods or services - If you want to bring people into a class or teleseminar next week, that is your why.
But hopefully, I have got you to thinking about what your why might be.
OK, I understand "why", but what about the "what'? All right we are agreed that the why is the strategy of what you want to accomplish with your campaign.
So, you know your why you are doing a marketing campaign.
What = tactic If you know the why, then focus on the what.
That would be defined as the tactic you are going to use to achieve the why.
Only then can you begin to figure out how to actually achieve your goals! There's a big difference between asking 'what?' and asking 'why?' The thing you don't want to forget is to keep reminding yourself of the why and never stop implementing the what!