Category : Taxes : Business & Finance

Can I Claim My Jewelry on My Taxes?

The IRS doesn't generally allow you to claim a deduction for losses that relate to personal property you own such as your jewelry. However, there is an exception when your jewelry is stolen. The amount of loss you can deduct on your jewelry is subject to some reductions and is only available if you

Trucking & Per Diem Pay

Per diem, a Latin term meaning "per day," is a way for truckers to recover a portion of the expenses they incur while traveling long distances away from home for work. Instead of paying the actual travel expenses, per diem pays only a percentage of expenses incurred while traveling for work.

What is Tax Evasion?

All U.S. citizens and companies are required to report their annual income and pay income tax based on their earnings. The taxes that are paid to the government fund many public programs such as roadways, school systems, and other beneficial department that most citizens have come to depend on.

Standard Deductions for Children

If you claim your children as dependents on your taxes, you can also claim a standard deduction for them. Claiming this deduction saves money on your taxes. If your child is working, in most cases the standard deduction negates his income when reporting his adjusted gross income. If your...

A Donor's Guide to Car Donations

Occasionally, charities request donations of cars for use in their charitable operations. This can be a great opportunity for an individual with a vehicle that is not being used and if that individual is in need of any tax breaks. There are several rules related to this type of donation, so procee