The idiot box has become a part and parcel of everyday life and we cannot think of our existence without television. DISH TV has transformed the world into a global village. . Not only this, ...
The story begins with an unnamed Thracian's involvement in a Thracian unit of Roman auxiliary in a campaign against the Getae (Dacian tribes that occupied the regions south of the Lower Danub
Television or more popularly known by it short form TV has become an inevitable part of entertainment these days. It gets tough for us to spend even a single day without watching the favorite television shows and therefore, in general, we become fond of our favorite television stars. We tend to know
After the entrance of satellite TV, cable TV is disappearing from the scene slowly. Though some people are still using cable TV but most of them have shifted to the leading name of satellite TV ...
With all polls showing gains for the Liberals this weekend, the UK election has suddenly become interesting, giving the electorate for the first time in decades a genuine three horse race. And the cause? A televised leaders' debate which enabled viewers to choose their favourite leader.
One of the things that are getting a lot of attention these days is energy.Because the earth will soon be reaching peak oil (the point at which there is no more oil to be found) it is important to be able to make sure that we conserve energy the best that we can.Not only is saving energy a thing tha
It seems that the days of grainy, streaming video may finally be behind us.Now that so much of the world's population has broadband internet, new resources are popping up all over the place that allow us to use our computers and internet connection like a high quality television set.All while w
President Obama has not fulfilled the very high expectations voters had of him. Yet strangely, while he is certainly copping more criticism in the media, he has suffered a lot less satirical mockery than other recent presidents. A movie poking fun at his presidency is already overdue.
To watch Breaking Bad episodes, fans of this heart-rending drama series have three clear-cut options accessible. They are DVD purchase, online viewing and downloading. Each alternative has its own set of limitations and advantages. Let's ...
The studios in Hollywood release good movies and they release bad movies. It is just the natural cycle of entertainment; you cannot have one without the other. Whether it is a question of the acting, ...
These days, it seems that shows really never go off the air - they live forever in syndication. It's not exactly the same, with every show labeled a "rerun" and being one you have likely seen (or maybe have memorized), but syndicated shows allow our favorite series to exist in places
Katie Couric taught us all how to deal with pain and suffering and that is why she was such a friend to all who depended on her each and every morning. The response to her husband's death from colon cancer was her gift to us.
The AMC TV show "Mad Men" has taken television by storm. Now in the midst of its second season, the Matthew Weiner created flashback to the early-sixties continues to grow in both popularity and critical acclaim. But recently, as a result of AMC's own shenanigans, hostility toward the
When things adopt an unbelievable tinge and drive our imaginations towards out of the ordinary ideas, we simply feel enthralled.when Supernatural s06e11 'Like a Virgin' will come to mesmerize you with
Have you ever wanted to audition and become famous? Well then, this is the right article for you to read. Casting call auditions are scheduled nearly every single day for a variety of programs. Most people at some point in their lives, especially when they are young, aspire to be actors or actresses
Before "The Exorcist" Paddy Chayefsky, the famous Jewish writer, crafted a black comedy about a Jewish synagogue's search for a "tenth man" to make a quorum to exorcise a "dibbuk" from a suffering woman. Complications arise in the plot, and a young man gets to stag
Kate Hudson plays a journalist named Andie Anderson. It is her ultimate goal to work her way up the company and write about politics. To do this she must prove herself as a writer.