Category : Hearing : Health & Medical

Are You Coping With Tinnitus?

The most frequent cause of tinnitus is hair damage in the inner ear due to loud sounds. High volume sounds on the job can damage these hairs. Earsplitting music from a concert or a high volume on a playback device may damage these hairs. Abrupt sounds of explosions, firearms, or other explosive nois

Remedies for Vertigo

Vertigo is a medical condition in which the central nervous system receives conflicting messages from the inner ear, eyes, and muscles. The patient feels dizzy or lightheaded due to an impaired sense of balance and equilibrium. Vertigo comes from the Latin word "vertere," which means "to turn." Pati

How to Remove Ear Wax Safely

Many people use a q-tip to remove the wax from their ears. Removing ear wax using a q-tip is not safe. You can potentially puncture your ear drum, remove too much ear wax and leave your ear open to infection, or push the ear wax even deeper into your ear. There is another much safer method to rem

Proper Use of an Ear Wax Candle

If you're considering using an ear wax candle, the first you should know is that it is not a procedure to try by yourself at home. Ear candling is best done at a wellness centre or health spa near you, where they will know to use the best quality products (such as beeswax ear candles) and asses