Category : Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

Military Honors & Funeral Customs

The United States Department of Defense requires that military funeral honors be provided for eligible veterans of the Armed Forces if requested by the deceased veteran's family. Military burial services include an honor guard consisting of two or more members of the Armed Forces, one of whom must b

The Advantages of Coal Energy

For years, coal has been referred to as the "black diamond." Coal has long been a highly exploited resource for basic energy. This is because of the numerous advantages of coal energy. Coal is easily available, easy to transport and store, versatile in use and an economic source of...

What Are Death Carts?

Death carts have come to symbolize death caused by plagues that afflicted Europeans in historical times. The image of a death cart overflowing with corpses is disturbing, yet the image shows how epidemics can overwhelm and decimate a large population is a short amount of time. Historical literature

An Advice to the NDC

Following the recent brouhaha in the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), I am forced as a patriotic citizen who does not want the current government to fail because if it does it means we have wasted another four years of our development process to give a little layman advice to the party&apo

Innate Language Debate Ideas

The innateness of language is a controversial topic. While all linguists and psychologists agree that human beings are born with the basic capacity for language acquisition, it is not completely agreed upon whether the actual structure of language is inborn as well. Some linguists, like Noam Chomsky

Frightful Fairness

Despite the fact that the Fairness Doctrine has been dead for 20 years (killed by the FCC, under Reagan), Media Matters and other liberal organizations have been agitating for its return. There are two scenarios which could see a reanimated Fairness Doctrine rise from its grave and return to terrori