Category : Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

Issues in Monetary Economics

Governments can print or destroy money as a tool for monetary, money, money image by easaab from Fotolia.comMonetary economic policy can have wide ranging effects from stimulating the economy to slowing it down so prices are controlled. Because actual paper money has little...

What Is a Paradigm Debate?

In the world of forensics, many types of debates are hosted to portray argumentative, influential or research skills. A paradigm debate is one in which the debaters discuss two opposing viewpoints of a concept based on their -- and society's -- perceptions of the issue. The opposing viewpoints creat

What Is Consumer Culture?

A "consumer culture" is one whose economy is defined by the buying and spending of consumers. Consumer culture is closely to tied capitalism, because it is driven by money. What distinguishes it, though, is that it is not focused so much on the power of money as it is on the happiness that can be at

How to Convert Imperial to Metric

The imperial system of measurement is a standard of units formalized by the British government while the metric system was created by France and forms the basis for the International System of Units. Most of the world uses the metric system, but in the United States and other areas influenced by Br

Tennessee's Early Voting Law

A number of states have early voting laws that enable residents to vote for a candidate or issue in advance of Election Day. Tennessee is one of those states. The purpose of early voting laws is to provide more opportunity for residents to vote in elections by giving them the ability to vote on more