One thing which is very important in order to make a marriage function complete is photography. MK Wedding Photography has some of the best Wedding Photographer in Coventry & is known for prov
Commercial photography is a dynamic and creative profession which covers many areas. However, to be successful you need drive, enthusiasm and investment of both time and money.
I never read the boring manuals of my camera or my printer. I just wanted to make money taking pictures and printing them for my clients. I've covered numerous outdoor photo events each summer. I wanted to start a photo business fast and quickly and didn't want to spend time on reading or
Everyone has different opinions regarding how to obtain the best pictures for the occasion. The article below will guide you along the path to getting that perfect shot, but through a balance of skills and ...
While it is true that the most important factor for a great wedding shoot is a quality photographer, the location also has an important role in defining the style and quality of the wedding photography collection. The Ritz Carlton, in Laguna Beach is a beautiful location to hold a wedding and if sho
Wildlife photography can be one of the most challenging fields of photography, and one of the most rewarding. Beginners should remember one thing above all when trying to master wildlife photography: it's all in the eyes.
Once you have given yourself the title of a photographer, you must decide who your audience is going to be. Your audience could even be simply you. There is nothing wrong with creating art for your own enjoyment.
When attempting to sell your photographic artwork, you need to write up a description of the item for those unable to see the image in person. The description is especially important when you sell your work over the Internet. Including a few key bits of information may help improve the chances of se
Australia is a land of varied landforms created by different agents of nature over a period of time. From the Western Australia desert region to the mountains of south eastern region and from the wond
Photographic film was invented in the late 19th century. Before that, photographs were made on glass negatives, paper negatives or on metal, as in tintypes and daguerreotypes, . The development of flexible, plastic film made it possible for Kodak and other film makers to create roll film as well as
Canon is one of many popular companies that makes cameras and camera accessories. Just a few of its competitors include Nikon, Kodak, Casio, Leica, and many others.
When you are taking a photo with a hand-held camera, whether a point and shoot camera or a digital SLR, you need to hold the camera steadily and observe your breathing technique. When holding the camera, brace your arms against the sides of your body to help steady your camera.
You may be familiar with those old, wooden cameras with the large bellows that look like an accordion connecting the back to the front of the camera. Those bellows are used to increase the amount of magnification and perspective of the lens. You can also use bellow systems for macro photography wit
Determining correct exposure with precision is a challenge to any automated system. For experienced photographers, there is no substitute for taking more or less full control of the process. Unfortunately, this requires not only skill, but it takes time and careful attention to detail. However, not
When it comes to weddings, we all know they are expensive, there are so many costs involved (especially these days) that certain areas are often neglected in order to be able to spend a few more pounds on the food, or dress. One of these areas is with the photography; often it is seen as a luxury to
Maternity photography, like any other type of photography, is what we make of it. As photographers, we have almost unlimited options for creating unique and amazing photos: lighting, filters, background and setting all give us endless opportunities, yet I've noticed that many maternity photos l
2012 has come and is almost gone and soon we enter 2013 hopefully wiser and more experienced on our digital photography journey. If you haven't learnt any lessons from 2012 it's time to sit down and do a quick evaluation. If you still haven't then take a look at the lessons I've
Mats are a visually pleasing way to enhance certain aspects within photographs and they can make your images stand out in the center area of surrounding frames. In addition to aesthetic functions, they also protect and preserve photographs by adding air pockets and reducing moisture over time.
Nikon is a good brand both for amateur and serious about digital photography. It has a higher resolution at half price of Nikon D1H. Most of the users conclude that this unit has a user interface far better than Canon's. At the same time, it is more ergonomic and comfortable to hold.