- I am afraid I might spray myself.
- I am afraid it might get taken away from me and used against me.
- I am afraid my child might get it and spray themselves.
- I am afraid it would be at the bottom of my purse and not available when I needed it.
- I am afraid I wouldn't know how to use it.
Fear Webster.
com defines fear as "an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger" Fear is not always a bad thing.
Used correctly, fear can keep us alive.
Being afraid of uncontrolled fire can keep us from getting burned or dying of smoke inhalation.
A reasonable fear of heights keeps us from walking on high, narrow ledges.
Fearing the things that can cripple, maim or kill, and which we cannot control can keep us alive and safe from harm.
But many fears are little more than the abdication of control over to the "unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger" We fear the things we do not understand.
There should be a greater fear of the bad guy who wants to do harm, and whom cannot be controlled, than of anything that can be used and controlled, which may stop something bad from happening.
That's why I learned about pepper spray.
Granted, much of my knowledge comes from first hand experience.
Getting pepper sprayed is part of mandatory police training.
While I would never volunteer to go through that again, it gave me a greater degree of confidence when I carry it on and off duty.
You don't have to go through the same experience to carry pepper spray with confidence.
Simply educate yourself on the benefits and side effects of pepper spray.
There is plenty of information available online.
Or talk to your local police officer and ask them what getting sprayed feels like and if they would be willing to show you how to properly use it.
As for the fears listed above, the most important one is a child getting accidentally sprayed.
While this is never a good thing, they will usually get over the effects within 10 to 45 minutes.
But not having some type of self defense weapon available, may cost you your life - or theirs.
That is something you never get over.