Are you looking for something truly cool and perhaps a bit geeky for the scientist at heart, but don't want to break the bank? Here are some amazing, yet affordable geek gift ideas.
- Miracle Berries
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere (pictured)
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures
- Gallium
Cool Cheap Gift Idea - Miracle Berries
Miracle berries, also known as miracle fruit, contain a compound called miraculin that causes sour foods to taste sweet. Pop in a few miracle berries and then any sour or acidic foods you eat for the next hour or so will taste totally bizarre. Stout beer tastes like a chocolate malt. Hot sauce tastes like candy syrup. The effect is completely safe and reversible. Your sense of taste returns to normal as soon as the miraculin clears your saliva, which takes about an hour.
You know you want to try this!
Price: $15 ()
- Miracle Berries
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures
- Gallium
Cool Cheap Geek Gift Idea - Magic Rocks
Magic rocks are small 'rocks' that you place in a special solution, causing them to grow into fanciful crystal towers right before your eyes. Kids love these, though if you are a science geek, you'll appreciate them just as much when you are older. In fact, you may even want to make magic rocks from scratch. Otherwise, they are readily available online and in toy stores.
Price: $10 ()
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures
- Gallium
Cool Cheap Geek Gift Idea - Ecosphere
The EcoSphere is a closed aquatic ecosystem. It contains living shrimp and algae that live and reproduce without any care. Each EcoSphere is exquisite handblown glass. It's a marriage of art and science. Yes, it costs a bit more than the other items on my list, but it's the perfect geek gift! Multiple sizes and shapes are available. It's easiest to find these online.
Price: $60 and up ()
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures
- Gallium
Cool Cheap Geek Gift Idea - Molecule Model Set
Molecule kits are like Legos, but more science-oriented. You can change molecules to suit your mood. Feeling happy? Make caffeine. It's the weekend? Make ethanol. There's always good old benzene, if you want a pretty ring. You may think a molecule kit is just for someone studying chemistry. No, building with these is pretty addictive for just about everyone, plus you end up with a nice decoration for your desk.
Price: $10+ ()
- Miracle Berries
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures
- Gallium
Cool Cheap Geek Gift Idea - Ferrofluid and Magnets
Ferrofluid is form of liquid magnet. Pair some ferrofluid with a strong magnet and you've got the ability to make fantastic, wild magnetic sculptures. It's also possible to synthesize ferrofluid yourself.
Price: $15 ()
- Miracle Berries
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures
- Gallium
Cool Cheap Geek Gift Idea - Mad Scientist Soaps
You can find the coolest things on Etsy! These mad scientist test tubes and beakers are soaps. You can customize the colors of the soaps and can order them scented or unscented. Everyone needs soap, so why not make it mad fun?
Price: $13 (Twoegpplants Shop at Etsy)
- Miracle Berries
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures
- Gallium
A Lichtenberg figure is like trapped lightning. Each figure is the impression left by an electrical discharge into an insulator, such as glass or plastic (or your skin, if you get struck by lightning). You can buy a Lichtenberg figure or even make one yourself. There are multiple places that sell these online. You can find lighted versions in plastic or black 'prints' on paper.
Price: $15+
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures
- Gallium
Gallium is a metal that melts in the palm of your hand. It's safe to handle and can be used to perform various science tricks and demonstrations such as the gallium spoon and gallium beating heart. It's unlikely you can find it at a store, but Amazon sells it.
Price: $20 (Find at Amazon)
- Miracle Berries
- Magic Rocks
- EcoSphere
- Molecule Building Kit
- Ferrofluid and Magnets
- Mad Scientist Soap Set
- Lichtenberg Figures