Health & Medical Medications & Drugs

How to Prime Insulin IV Tubing

    • 1). Determine the type and dosage of insulin to be infused. Always verify with your physician about insulin specifications including the dosage and the type. Check for the main IV line to be given to a patient.

    • 2). Prepare the insulin; aspirate the accurate amounts using the insulin syringe. Insulin is measured in units or "u." Only the insulin syringe has an accurate calibration of the hormone. Other forms of syringes are not appropriate in preparing the hormone.

    • 3). Mix the insulin with the correct solution. Plain, normal saline solution is usually used in insulin drips, but some doctors may change this according their preference. Attach the macroset or the soluset in the IV solution. Take note that in some preparations, insulin is premixed with a little IV solution in the soluset.

    • 4). Open the IV regulator. This allows the passage of the intravenous fluid to the tubing commonly called the priming procedure. This eliminates the air in the IV tubing. Close the IV regulator. Make sure to close the regulator if the fluid is coming out of the syringe to avoid spillage.

    • 5). Attach the syringe of your set to the Y-port of the mainline. After proper priming, make sure you attach and secure your side drip. It is common in a hospital setting that side drips are sometimes unhooked due to patient mobility and unsecured placement. Regulate the IV rate. Tubings are usually attached to the infusion pump for accuracy. In case it is not available, manual regulation is used with proper knowledge of the flow rate of the different sets.

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