Until recently, it has been impossible or difficult to accurately identify non-acid reflux and, therefore, to study whether or not non-acid reflux is injurious or can cause symptoms. If acid reflux is not treated at the initial stage or acid reflux is allowed to linger, the symptoms may assume dangerous proportions and can cause ulcers to appear in the esophagus and also inflammation of the esophagus which is commonly called esophagitis. For those advocating herbal remedies, acid reflux is often equated with poor digestion.
What to Eat to Combat Acid Reflux
To start with, eating right and healthy is the basic course of treatment. Eating smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to eating big meals can be a huge help for acid reflux symptoms. Eating smaller meals at intervals of 3-4 hours is better than having larger meals. Eating high-fiber bread instead of white bread, and exercising for 30 minutes at least once a week, decreased the odds of getting heartburn. One home remedy for acid reflux is not to smoke while you are eating or before you eat. However, many people can improve their symptoms by avoiding alcohol and spicy, fatty or acidic foods that trigger heartburn. Eating smaller meals, not eating close to bedtime, losing weight if needed, wearing loose-fitting clothes, are all good advice. Overeating is directly linked to acid reflux disorder. Acid reflux is also increased by eating fatty meals as fat delays gastric emptying. Drinking plenty of water and eating mild and bland foods is often the quickest way to curb acid reflux but there are certain foods which are said to be excellent cures.
What Foods Help or Hurt
One way to lessen heartburn episodes is to change your diet. Foods and drinks that have been suspected of making symptoms worse in some people include: peppermint, tomatoes, chocolate, spicy foods, hot drinks, coffee, and alcoholic drinks. Foods that are usually recommended for an acid reflux diet include cabbage, green beans, broccoli, peas, apples, bananas, carrots, lean cuts of grilled meat, fish with no added fat, egg whites, low-fat cheeses like feta, low-fat salad dressings and multi-grain breads. When you eliminate foods that cause you pain, you are taking a big step in the right direction. The amount of acid being produced will drop when you stop eating so much acidic foods. Acid reflux sufferers should consume high fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables. If you're breast-feeding, your baby's doctor may suggest that you avoid cow's milk or certain other foods.
What About Apple Cider Vinegar
Unknown to many, apple cider vinegar or ACV does great things like treating ailments. If this is the first time you are researching home remedies for acid reflux, you may be surprised to find that the top remedy is vinegar. For over a year now I have been taking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar right before bed and I have not had problems since. I would strongly recommend the use of apple cider vinegar before trying any other pills.
As you can see from above an acid reflux diet does not restrict everything that you would normally enjoy. This will not only help you in understanding just what may be aggravating your condition, but it will provide the doctor with a better understanding as well so that they will be able to suggest the best type of acid reflux diet for you and ways in which you should be changing your eating habits. There are many sites available on the web today which are able to provide you with a complete list of all the foods which are safe and can included into an acid reflux diet. Ours is http://www.vt88.com/
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