Are you aware that by being a jerk you can get any woman you please as compared to being a nice guy? Not only that, you can also have girls constantly thinking about you and you will even have the privilege of dating any girls you want. Sounds really cool, right? Well, if you want to find out why, here are some facts as to why women (even the confident and challenging ones) are so into jerks. Read on to discover the reasons, and maybe it is time for you to start mending your ways, too...
The Bad Boy Effect -
o Being the "bad boy" does not mean you have to be literally bad. One of the main reasons why girls are attracted to jerks is because they exude that certain mysterious aura in them.
o Girls typically love challenges, so taming the "bad boy" is like an assignment to them. Not only this, but there is nothing really predictable about "bad boys", as everything they do is mostly spontaneous, and often doesn't meet her expectations, but simply he will only meet his own.
The "No Fear" Attitude -
o The alpha male shows no fear and if you are that type of person, you can make any girl weak on the knees!
o Jerks are dominant in nature and they make it a point that they can achieve anything and everything they desire, which is why women find them so irresistible.
You Want It, You Got It -
o Jerks projects this certain attitude that if they want something, they will not take no for an answer. They pay no mind to excuses no matter what the cost.
o Girls will never ever reject you if you employ this sort of attitude.
They Couldn't Care Less -
o Another reason why jerks are successful with women is because they do not appear desperate for attention.
o They show girls they are comfortable with the state they are in and that they do not require any comfort or company from any woman. This display of confidence is actually what attracts women to them like magnets.
Interesting attitude -
o If you really wanted to know why women seem to love them, it's simply because they are interesting. But what does interesting mean? Well simply it consists of a few things, the first being the fact that most of these men never settle for less, and always have standards.
o The second is that they generally have a great sense of humor, are outcome independent and know how to have a great time. This means they will not let what they want get in the way of the moment, and in the end life is about the journey, not the destination, which is why women are attracted to "jerks".
Now listen carefully - What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read -Click Here
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