The missing element in the peace movements has always been the lack of a practical plan for peace that provides a logical alternative to all war that will be universally accepted by everyone. This is why peace organizations rarely last the test of time. Just protesting with "stop this" or "stop that" and not providing a long lasting permanent solution to the problem will lose steam after a while.
Our studies have lead us to concluded that there can be no real peace on this earth until that peace is a total peace that includes every person on earth without exception; therefore, all efforts for pursuing a true and lasting peace must be geared towards establishing World Peace. In our studies to understand what was needed to achieve peace on earth, we looked at the three areas that are essential to establishing peace on earth, the governmental structures, religions structures, and The People.
It became obvious to us that the governmental and religious structures lacked the means to establish World Peace because of their many differing goals, policies, and ideologies, which create many divisions among the people.
We are not saying that the governments and religions do not want peace on earth; just the opposite is true and they would overwhelmingly embrace real peace on earth if it were possible. That lead us to The People and an understanding of what their role is in establishing World Peace.
It is common knowledge that humans are the most intelligent and dominant form of life on this earth and have a natural desire to be free and live in peace. The truth is; The People are the one true power on this earth because nothing man-made can function or survive without the support and efforts of The People, including the functions of the governments, religions, and other essential systems created by man.
The People working as a collective body have the power and the right to determine how they want to live on this earth and they have the right and power to determine how their governments, religions, and corporate structures function in this world.
When The United People of this world decided that they want to live in a peaceful and civilized world, nothing could stop them because they could naturally justify pulling their support form anyone or anything that stands in The Peoples way.
All humans, since the beginning of human existence, have inherited and carried an instinctive belief that they have a right to survive, be free, and live in peace along with other beliefs described as our unwritten Evolutionary Human Rights. Scientific studies have proven that this belief structure is exactly the same in all humans and is the one natural common bond that all humans share.
This is why when you ask anyone, from any part of this world, if they want to survive, be free, and live in peace, or if they believe they are entitled to Human Rights they will automatically say yes. Understanding this led us to discover that the path to World Peace is through establishing an internationally legalized Bill of Human Rights that All People on earth would be legally entitled too without exception.
This International Bill of Human Rights would, establish a standard legal value for all human live, be overwhelmingly accepted by all People, and would become the Natural Laws of Humanity that all governments, and others, would be legally bound to honor and abide by.
What this world lacks at the present time is a legal, just, and moral system to function under on an international level. Any functioning international system must provide guidelines for how governments and others will function within that system. The plan for World Peace provides a peaceful and civilized international system for the governments and others to function under that will never allow for a one-world type government or any type of totalitarian global rule of The People.
Copyright (c) 2007 We Want World Peace Organization all global rights reserved
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