Step one Firstly, you must sit down and clarify with yourself and anyone you work with the direction which you wish to take with your website.
It will be essential to really narrow down your site concept.
Will you want your information center to be focused on one narrow topic, or would you like it to be a little broader, also encompassing connected and related topics? This does not need to be a set in stone answer.
You can expand and change as your website develops.
But it is good to know where to start from.
Step two Now, get to work brainstorming keywords and key-phrases connected to your website concept.
How do you do this? There are programs which you can buy, the most reputable being Wordtracker and Sitesell.
These programs will brainstorm laterally and vertically, bringing up a very broad range of related keywords, between 100 and 500 keywords and key-phases.
Step three Now, find out how profitable each keyword and key-phrase is.
Using the same program, you can discover how 'in-demand' each keyword and phrase is, and also how much competition we will have for that keyword.
Using these numbers; 'demand' and 'competition', you can find out how profitable a keyword or phrase is.
To clarify, 'demand' is how many people, like you and I, use a specific keyword or phrase in Google to search for information.
'Competition' is how many other websites use a specific keyword or phrase in their own websites.
We look for high demand and low competition.
For example, the word 'California' would have high demand, but also high competition.
If we want to build a website about California, we need to research related keywords that are not quite as broadly used.
Step four The next step is the most time consuming; write one article for each keyword or phrase that has been deemed profitable.
You must seamlessly weave these words into each article, not too many times, not too little.
Many people make the mistake of using their keyword to often in their articles.
This is detrimental in two ways; firstly, the reader realizes right away that there is something wrong with the feel of the article and will not find it enjoyable to read.
Secondly, the search engines will actually penalize any page that is bombarded with keywords, and will place it lower in search results.
It must be seamless.
Step five Continue.
Repeat the process until you have a website abundant in useful and engaging content.
It takes time, making money on the internet is not as easy as one might have thought.
Using this method, however, you too can get ahead in the web-world.
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