Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

5 Funny Personal Injury Lawsuits

Have you ever heard a news story about a personal injury lawsuit that sounds so absurd and ridiculous that you can't help but laugh? There has been a handful over the past few years that have gotten some press.
These are the lawsuits where, even if he or she was seriously injured and wins the case, the plaintiff is ridiculed for suing over something so petty and trivial.
The big winners of these cases are the personal injury lawyers and the social security disability lawyers who make money off the settlement and get press for representing such clients.
Here are five true cases that will make you half-wish you were injured in a similar fashion so you could sue as well: A 69 year old New York man attended a dinner theater in Manhasset and was asked to dance with one of the female performers during the show.
During an attempted dip in the dance routine, the performer lost control and the man fell.
He claimed that fall caused him to fracture his ankle and sued the company that produced the show for $5.
5 million.
An EMT in Houston stopped to grab doughnuts while transporting a youth to the hospital.
After the mother of the child filed a complaint, the ambulance driver sued the city of Houston for intentional infliction of emotional distress.
A woman in New York City attempted to end her life by laying on the subway tracks and waiting for a train to run her over.
When the train indeed came and merely injured the woman instead of killing her, she sued the city of New York for her injuries.
She was awarded $14.
1 million by the state Supreme Court.
A convicted man in Utah sued the state for not allowing him to practice his religion while incarcerated.
The man claimed he practiced "vampirism" and said it required him to eat a strict vampire diet and drink blood from his "vampress" during conjugal visits.
A California man attended a nudist event where participants could attempt fire walking if they chose too.
After being warned about the risks that fire walking entails, a man sued the event organizers for his injuries while attempting it.

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