If you are an office worker, you might never need a back support right? You might be surprised by how many instances that you would benefit from having one.
They are not just for the people who are working physically demanding jobs any longer.
In fact, there are times when a back support can be used by people who are doing little more than walking around the block.
Why You Might Need to Wear One One of the reasons that you might need a back support might be shocking to some people.
If you have weakened or untrained abdominal muscles, you might need a back support.
The back is made of up a spinal column, which protects the spinal cord.
That column is made of tiny, almost fragile bones, cartilage that allows for contraction and expansion and small muscles that allow for bending and flexing to some degree.
The rest of the movement in the back, including the ability to keep it upright, is done by the core muscles, which involve not only muscles in the back (lats, delts and traps) but also muscles in the front part of the body as well.
Any weakness along the core, whether it is in front or in back, can lead to back strain and pain and can also increase the risk for more serious injury in some people.
A supporter can help to remind you that you need to build up the core muscles until they are strong enough to take over this role on their own.
Definite Need for Support for the Lumbar Spine and More The minute you are called on to lift something with many repetitions or with heavy weight, you need the additional support, even if you already have a fairly strong core.
To the average person, a box that weighs 20 pounds should be considered fairly heavy, and lifting more than four or five of them should be called many repetitions.
Even people who are healthy and strong can get careless as they fatigue, causing them to torque the back out of place or to lift without using proper biomechanics.
Using a support can remind them that they need to bend their legs and lift with their knees rather than from the back and may also allow them to protect the relatively small, lower back muscles that are frequently and easily injured.
Standard Issue In some types of jobs, the back supporter belt is a standard issue and required to be worn except during break times.
For those jobs, it might even be a requirement to wear the belt while driving to and from each location.
While it might seem like a hassle or may make you feel a little hotter than you would without it, the back support is protecting your back, which could mean less aches and pains as you get older so it is entirely worth it.
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