Back pain affects many people these days.
If you are suffering from back pain, you are not alone.
Back injury is the largest single recorded cause of long-term sick leave in the U.
K and 60% of adults suffer back problems annually.
Firstly, if you have a back problem for more than two weeks, you should always seek the help of a professional.
Working with back pain clients in my clinic, I help people to re-build their bodies from the inside out using a holistic approach which helps them to become pain free.
The main areas I focus on with my clients are: oCoaching clients to change their lifestyle oOrthopaedic evaluations and postural correction oOptimization of the digestive system oBalancing of the hormonal systems and internal organs oEmotional blockages By working in a holistic manner, it addresses the body as whole, not just a painful back.
As Hippocrates once said, "It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.
" So it is important that if you choose a professional to help you with your back pain, it is one who treats you as a whole person, not just treats the symptoms.
Thomas Edison once said, "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease".
As many health practitioners will tell you, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
" The techniques to rehabilitate a back injury will often be similar to preventing back problems.
So if you successfully overcome your back pain, just remember that is not the end of the story.
It can and probably will come back if you don't have a strategy to prevent it from coming back.
In addition to using a professional to help you with your back pain, here are my 12 Top Tips: 1.
Sit up straight and do not slouch, especially if you spend long hours seated.
Set an alarm to remind you to sit straight every 15 minutes.
If you use a computer at work, take breaks regularly.
Get up and walk around before returning to your desk.
If you have a choice between standing and sitting, standing exerts 4 times less pressure on your back.
Use a Swiss Ball to sit on at home or at work.
Ensure you take regular breaks from sitting on the ball.
If you use a computer at home or work, set up the ergonomics so you do not have to look downwards at the monitor.
The centre of the monitor should be at eye level.
Also, the keyboard should be low enough so you do not have to hunch your shoulders to type.
When using the telephone, try to keep your head straight and not tilt it to one side.
If you use the telephone a lot, it would be wise to use a head-set.
Exercise regularly to avoid weakening of muscles.
Whether you go jogging, lift weights at the gym, go for a walk, do the gardening or wash the car, it is important to keep active and strong.
An ideal exercise regime would consist of stretching, lifting weights and cardiovascular exercise.
Cardiovascular exercise consists of exercise such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming etc.
However, if you have an existing injury, receive advice before exercising.
When picking up objects, keep your back straight, bend your knees, keep the weight close to your base of support and do not twist your spine as you pick it up.
Eat non-processed foods and eat organic wherever possible.
Avoid cigarette smoke and keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.
Take time out to relax and quieten the mind.
Yoga, Qi Gong, meditation, relaxing baths and listening to relaxation tapes are just a few methods you can use.
Get eight hours of sleep per night and get to bed by 10.
Good luck! © Leigh Brandon
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