Family & Relationships Conflict

Get Over Your Girlfriend by Getting a New Girlfriend

Your days are languid and sluggish.
You spent lonely nights and more you feel more alone than ever.
Your work is affected and your boss has taken notice of it already.
You could not concentrate on your job, you are often corrected for your work, all because your heart is broken and you want to get over your ex girlfriend, but how? For starters you have to deal with what you are feeling.
It is a natural process in any separation.
It is painful and hurtful.
There would be times when you'd rather end your life than face another day without her, BUT you have to go through it because it is the ONLY way that you'll ever cope up and move on.
Now, don't think of me as a sadist here because if you've read some articles about this topic you would find out the same thing.
What I am going to say next might shock you but there have been several who have tried this method said that it has done wonders for them.
Get a new girlfriend to get over your girlfriend.
Now do not think that the new girlfriend will just be like a set of spare tire that you'll use because the ones you have were already flat.
Of course you do not get any girl passing by as a new girlfriend.
You would still be on the search mode for that new girl in your life.
Word of advice though, do not find your old girlfriend in the new girlfriend that you are searching.
Do not try to replace your ex, find a new one that would fill your life.
When getting a new girlfriend do not try to find the characteristics of your ex in her.
That would be really unfair for her and for you because if you do this you'll never going to get over your ex girlfriend.
When on the search for that new girlfriend, find out what's good about her, what interests you about her, what characteristics and personality traits that she have that would compliment yours.
It is like breathing a new life and seeing a new person for real.
You deserved to be freed from the shadows of your ex, don't you? Getting a new girlfriend to get over your girlfriend would mean that you would not have lonely and alone time by yourself.
This would mean that you would be out every night.
This would do wonders for you especially your psyche because going out, meeting new people would not give you any lull time and it could enrich your lives more.
Go out and celebrate.
Your world does not end when your girlfriend leaves you, it just started.

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