Sore throat is known as phranygitis in medical terms. It is usually characterized by slight fever, pain in the throat, irritation and cough. It is usually caused by allergens, virus or bacteria. It is mostly recommended not to take antibiotics as sometimes it overcomes in 1 week however if it persists, seek medical advice. It is considered to be useful to use home remedies for a temporary relief of sore throat. Some of the home remedies are as follows;
- Home remedies to cure and soothe sore throat that are mainly used includes;
- *Cayenne Pepper: Mix 1/8th of a tsp of cayenne pepper with 1/2 cup warm water.
- *Salt: Add 1 tsp of table salt to a cupful of warm water.
- *Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar with a cup of warm water.
- Ginger: Make a strong brew with freshly grated ginger (about 3 tsp per cup of boiling water), steep for about 5 minutes then stir in a spoonful of honey and sip.
- *Thyme: Brew 1 tablespoon dried thyme in 1 cup boiling water. Strain before using.
- Honey & Lemon: Mix two tsp honey and 1 tsp lemon juice with one cup of boiling hot water. Allow to cool a bit then drink.
- Licorice Root: Make a brew with licorice roots (one or two pieces per cup) and sip. You can also brew licorice tea bags or chew on a piece of licorice root to help relieve the pain. Licorice root can affect blood pressure if too much is consumed, not recommended for those who are pregnant or have high blood pressure.
- Cloves: Slowly chew on a few cloves.
- Green Tea: Sipping a cup of this can help, but gargling with it is also recommended since it naturally fights infections. See this page for more info on its health benefits.
- *Baking Soda & Salt: Mix 1/2 tsp of each baking soda and salt with a 1/2 cup of warm water.
- Chamomile: Best to start sipping this tea as soon as you feel one coming on.
- Hydrogen Peroxide: Gargle 3% hydrogen peroxide to fight the infection. If the taste is too much for you, dilute with some water first (about 50/50).
Some of the tips usually used for sore throat are as follows;
- Gargle with warm salt water to help reduce swelling and relieve the condition.
- Gargle at least once each hour with 1 tsp (5 g) of salt dissolved in 8 fl oz (240 ml) of warm water.
- If you have postnasal drip, gargle often to prevent more throat irritation.
- Try to prevent dehydration. Fluids are usually recommended to soothe an irritated throat. Hot fluids, such as tea or soup, may help to reduce throat irritation.
- It is necessary to keep a vaporizer or humidifier in your bedroom.
- Do not smoke or use other tobacco products and avoid secondhand smoke.
- It is usually recommended to take OTC drugs (throat lozenges) for hoarseness of voice.
- Some nonprescription throat lozenges, such as Sucrets Maximum Strength or Spec-T, are considered safe and effective and have medicine (local anesthetic) that numbs the throat to soothe pain. Regular cough drops may also help.