Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Voltaire Enlightenment: You Can Solve Any Problem!

"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.
" - Voltaire
Did you know you can solve any problem? Yes any problem.
You may not be ready to solve it right now, but if you practice sustained thinking you will be able to make a problem dissolve like a biscuit in water.
You are an incredible source of energy and you channel an amazing amount of energy through your being.
When you have, what you consider, a problem it is just a matter of sustaining your energy in the direction of a solution.
Let me explain this with a short example.
If you have a problem and you focus on the problem, the problem will never go away.
If you sustain your thinking upon the fact that there is a solution to your problem, in time that solution will appear.
You may not believe this truth yet, but this is the absolute truth.
Any problem you encounter, great or small, is only a situation you consider a problem because it obstructs you from attaining that which you desire.
When you focus only on the problem itself you give the problem all your glorious energy.
What happens when we give something energy? It grows! So instead we will sustain our thinking through the problem to the object of desire.
Giving the object of our desire that same energy and causing that to grow instead.
Meanwhile the problem we perceive is becoming more familiar to us in our subconscious, it is not so scary.
The mystery of the problem shrinks in our mind as we begin to understand the shape of it and the behavior of it.
Problems only grow two ways:
  1. When you focus on them: You should never ignore a problem, but your focus should never be on the problem.
    People who always have problems, and are never able to deal with them, take the problems and dwell on them.
    Sometimes this goes on for years.
    Therapists love to have a person hash over their same problems year after year, but those people never fix anything.
    Those same people can then validate that their problem will haunt them forever.
    If only they knew the power they have to dominate their experience.
    What a waste.
    They expound all the miseries that the problem causes, they come up with all the reasons why the problem cannot be solved.
    They become emotionally attached to all the issues associated with the problem and they become tangled in their own web of painful confusion.
  2. When you do not focus on the solution: If you do not focus on the solution to the problem, depending on what is, it may persist and never be solved always bringing a constant source of aggravation.
    Those who focus on solutions are always looking for a way over, around or through a problem.
    The solution you find may not be easy, it may not be quick and it may take a long time to find the solution.
    Persistent energy (thoughts, emotions and actions) pointed at the solution will as Voltaire refers dissolve your problem.
In life there are really only two ways to think, either you think possible or you think impossible.
People who always have problems, drama and never really accomplish anything are busy thinking impossible.
You are too powerful to waste your energy thinking impossible.
Daily Goals: Focus on solutions only and always think possible!

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