Insomnia or sleep disorder is becoming more and more prevalent nowadays because of various reasons.
Some obvious reasons like jet lag, noise or change in schedule might cause sleeplessness in most people.
But when the sleep pattern gets disrupted for a longer period of time then it can be termed as insomnia.
Some of the causes for this are hormonal changes, stress, night sweats, gorging on too much food before bedtime, alcohol intake, etc.
It can also result due to the body's inability to produce the sleep inducing hormone melatonin.
There is no cause for worry as there are a number of natural and home remedies that help to solve this issue and give long term results.
Some simple home remedies advocated by experts are to read until the person feels sleepy and to take a warm bath and a relaxing massage just before going to bed.
Exercises should be taken early in the day and the person should avoid any type of strenuous workout too close to bedtime because this will only help in getting the body to gear up to be active.
Keeping a strict sleeping regime like going to bed and sleeping at the same day, including holidays and weekends, gets your body to adjust and cooperate with the sleep schedule.
Avoiding naps in the daytime will also help prevent insomnia and if completely necessary the nap time should be limited to 15 or 20 minutes.
The pattern of following pyramid structure of eating food before bedtime should be completely avoided because indigestion definitely plays a hand in insomnia.
Caffeine products should also be avoided to the maximum.
Sleeping in a room that has no sound and light also helps to get good quality sleep.
It is often found that some people worry themselves in the bed by thinking over about their plans for the next day.
To avoid this, it is better to jot down everything on what needs to be done the next day and forget it before bedtime.
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